How to Avoid Property Underinsurance


Underinsurance is a serious problem for property owners as it can affect any claim you make.

What is Underinsurance?

Underinsurance happens when an insurance policy covers a property for less than its actual value. A problem that affects many people and can result in financial loss for the policyholder. Here’s how underinsurance might affect you and how you can prevent it:

Effects of Underinsurance:

  • Reduced Payouts: When you file a claim, your insurer might not cover the whole cost of replacing or repairing your property if it is underinsured. They could apply the "average clause," which proportionately decreases the pay-out depending on how underinsured you are.
  • Financial Losses: You may need to pay for the difference with your own money, which can be a significant burden.

What is the Average Clause?

This is an insurance term you may be unfamiliar with. It implies that if your home and belongings are not insured for their correct worth, the insurance company has the right to only compensate a percentage of your claim.

Example Calculation of Underinsurance

If your belongings are worth £40,000 but your insurance policy only covers them for £20,000, you are underinsured by 50%. This means that insurers may only have to pay for half of your claim, leaving you responsible for the remaining amount.

Preventing Property Underinsurance:

  • Regular Valuations: Make sure a professional regularly values your property. Property values can fluctuate, so it’s important to keep your insurance coverage up to date.
  • Adequate Coverage: Get enough insurance to cover the cost of rebuilding your property. The rebuilding cost includes materials, labour, and professional fees, which might be higher than the market value.
  • Inflation Protection: Choose a policy that includes inflation protection. This ensures your coverage keeps pace with the rising costs of construction and materials.
  • Consult with Experts: Our insurance brokers and advisers specialise in property insurance. They can help you understand the appropriate level of coverage needed and assist in obtaining the right insurance policy.
  • Review Your Policy Annually: Regularly review your insurance policy, especially if you’ve made significant improvements or alterations to your property. Your insurance coverage should reflect any changes in the property's value.
  • Document Everything: Keep any documentation of valuations, improvements, and communications with your insurance provider. This can be crucial when making a claim and demonstrating the value of your property.

Avoiding Contents Underinsurance:

Underinsurance affects both the structure of your property and the items inside your home. This includes personal belongings and valuables such as jewellery. Here's how to make sure you have adequate insurance for these items:

Inventory of items:

  • Create a detailed inventory: List all the items in your home. This includes furniture, electronics, clothing, kitchenware, and other personal belongings. Add information on the model, make, and date of purchase.
  • Estimate Values: Assign a replacement value to each item. This should be the current cost to replace the item with a new one of the same type and quality.

Regular Updates:

  • Annual Reviews: Update your inventory and the values of your items every year. Consider any new purchases or disposals.
  • Keep Receipts and Proof of Purchase: Safely store your receipts, photographs, and any proof of purchase for high-value items.

Policy Limits:

  • Check Policy Limits: Ensure that your policy covers the total value of your home contents. Some policies have sub-limits for specific items, such as electronics or jewellery.
  • Adjust Coverage: If your total estimated value exceeds your current coverage, increase your policy limits accordingly.

Follow these steps to ensure you have enough insurance coverage to meet your needs. Contact us today if you have any further questions.

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