Taxi Insurance
We provide insurance for, Taxi and mini-cabs, Chauffeur and public hire operators, Uber operators.
Construction Insurance
Construction insurance protects companies, employees and tradesmen from the many risks they face on and around construction and building sites.
Hotel, Restaurant & Pub
We provide professional advice in insuring your customers, your staff and buildings - providing you peace of mind
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance for most commercial organisations and tradesmen is a legal requirement, making it an essential business protection for employees, customers and the public.
Motor Fleet Insurance
We use specialist fleet insurers for more unusual risks, so if you have a fleet with an unusual risk profile, we can help.
Motor Trade Insurance
Motor trade insurance is a specialised insurance service that warrants professional advice to arrange your cover correctly.
Shops, Surgeries & Offices
We arrange competitive insurance for shops, surgeries and offices. Insurance is arranged through a variety of insurers and underwriters who each have expertise in insuring, shops, surgeries and offices.
Sports, Clubs & Trophies Insurance
Our advisers will help to assess your club’s insurance needs, and how best to protect them to ensure you have enough protection at a competitive price.
Cyber Insurance
Send us your enquiry and we will contact you as soon as possible or contact your branch
Directors and Officers Liability
Send us your enquiry and we will contact you as soon as possible or contact your branch
Contact us
Send us your enquiry and we will contact you as soon as possible or contact your branch